Senior Pastor
I accepted Christ as my Savior at the age of 10, while living on the family farm in Northeast Wisconsin. At the age of 14, while at a Revival Meeting at the Church where my father was the Pastor, the Lord moved on my heart to surrender to full time Ministry. I trained under my father while still in High School, and took my first Bible Course through Maranatha Baptist Bible College in 1979. For a few years I struggled with my calling, so I served in the Military from 1982-1985. After the Military, I resumed my training for Ministry, most of which was done in Local Churches in Wisconsin. It would be many years later before I received a diploma from a Local Church Bible Institute.
The Lord has allowed me to work in a number of Churches, while studying & training. From 1985 to 1996 I lived in Appleton Wisconsin, where I served as the Youth Pastor at Appleton Baptist Temple, and eventually became the Assistant Pastor. I was privileged to be the Senior Pastor in Grand Island Nebraska, from 1996-1999, and then in Madison Wisconsin from 1999-2012. In December of 2012 I accepted the call to Pastor here at Bible Baptist Church of Reedsburg.
- Pastor Fred Weiss
At the age of five I asked the Lord to forgive my sin and come into my heart. As I grew into my teens, serious doubts about my salvation began to rise and continued to trouble me for many years. I realized it was all about what God had done for me. I had not earned it and I certainly could not keep it. However, one can not serve two masters and that was exactly what I was trying to do. My sin and worldly lifestyle kept me defeated until I wholly rededicated my heart and life to the Lord. As I began to live my life for the Lord, the doubts completely disappeared and the victories were won in my heart. I am humbled to serve the Lord in the ministry here at Bible Baptist Church. It is a privilege and honor to be a helpmeet to my husband and fulfill the purpose God has for me.
- Mary Weiss

Assistant Pastor
I was raised in a christian home and accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was about 4 years old. I remember after our pastor preached a message on hell, I talked with my mother about how I could know for sure I was going to Heaven. She showed me what the Bible says about God’s gift of salvation, and I asked Jesus to save me.
In March of 1999, when I was 15 years old, I attended a preacher’s meeting in Indiana. The pastor’s message was about the next generation picking up the baton and serving God. After some struggling in my heart, I went forward and told God I was willing to do whatever He wanted me to do. Over the next few years He opened doors of opportunity to serve in various ministries at my church. In May of 2005 God opened a door to serve full time at the church as the Pastor’s Assistant, and get hands on training in the ministry. In 2012 I received a diploma from Faith Bible Institute, and was also ordained that same year.
God opened another door in April 2013. He made it clear to me that He wanted my family and I to move to Reedsburg and begin attending Bible Baptist Church. The next 18 months were filled with many challenges, but God was faithful in them all. In November of 2014 the members of Bible Baptist voted me in as the Assistant Pastor. It has been a blessing to see what God has done here in the Church, and I look forward to what He has in store for the future. May He find us all faithful.
- Pastor Chris Anderson

Ministry Assistant / Deacon

